5 Tips to utilize crystal energy:

1. When purchasing a crystal hold in your hand and connect with its energy. Feel the vibration of the crystal as it resonates with your body. If you feel something that crystal wants to go home with you. If you do not feel anything keep looking.
2. Next I like to meditate with it and set an intention for its purpose of working with you. You can hold it in your hand while you meditate and cover it with your other hand and set the intention then. Ask your crystal if it has a specific message for you.
3.Crystals carry healing energy patterns and can be used in various ways. I like to use my crystals in my bath as a way of solidifying the energy through my pores. Not all crystals can go into water, please use caution and make sure that your crystal is okay to go in the water before using it that way. I also put my crystal in a glass of water. Then I sit in the sun for a few minutes and allow it to soak in the sun energy then i drink it. A great crystal that I love to use for this elixir is Rose Quartz.
4. Another way that I utilize crystal energy is by making grids in my home. Specific rooms are set with a grid of crystals and then my entire home is also in a grid form with crystals.
5.Wearing your crystal is a great way to also solidify your relationship worth it. A great way to use it for long term healing effects. You may wear a necklace,bracelet or even carry it on your person.